Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Vivo dentro de una estampilla

Desde hace poco más de un año

Vivo dentro de una estampilla de correo
Con la fecha de entrada
Marcada en mi rostro
Quitándome la respiración

Atrapada dentro de dos dimensiones
Una de profunda soledad y tristeza
La otra
Salir de éste astío
Y regresar a casa.

For a little more than a year
I’ve lived inside a postal stamp
With the postmark stamped upon my face
Stifling my breath.

Trapped between two dimensions
One of profound sadness and solitude
The other one freed from boredom
And returned home.

Isabel Benesh
Orlando ‘08

A young girl just died...

To Howard Salmon

A young girl just died…
Here on this very corner
On a street too near my home
I sought out the tragedy
Signs of dried blood
Or wilted balloons left in her memory
But found nothing. Not even remnants of glass
Only the black asphalt
That swallowed her father’s tears.

Isa Benesh
